These stories jump into my consciousness as I see patterns in the images that grab my eye as I travel around town. Lost London is an evolving work that also looks to shine a light on some of the new creations that jump into the spaces that have been washed away.

Brown Bread
The death of a chain of east London bakers in 2020 illustrates a broader story of how the pandemic has accelerated a move that sees local, well established smal and medium-sized businesses hammered by the unrelenting forces of unfettered late capitalism.

One Eye, Two Queens
The image of Elizabeth Windsor on the cover of a large and understated coffee-table book in a smart, slick hotel opposite the eye hospital caught my eyes. Both the left one that was about to be sliced into by a surgeon for the cataract operation in the slightly crumbling building opposite, and the fully functional right eye.

There’s so many stories to be told of these young wasted lives. They’re just not told, so people have no correction to the story that these teenagers (and sometimes pre-teens) are nasty, naughty urban thugs. When people know them and their families they understand this is never an honest portrayal of these victims of fear and greed-based violence.